Saturday, August 12, 2017

Subsitute Teacher?

I haven't updated my teaching blog in a long time! As you can see from the title and a little bit of my bio, I am going to be a substitute teacher. I am going to substitute for awhile starting this September for a Pre-k class.

I have no idea what's in for me. I had the experience in being in a pre-k classroom before because of my uni required it. I am honestly excited because I love the smaller, cute kids. I haven't prepared as much because the HR department hasn't send any info documents to give me a green light that I am ready and set to go. However, I'll handle that next week to make sure everything goes smoothly.

I wanted to update this blog because so many thoughts have been going through my mind. I recently graduated, and I could be officially be a first-year teacher a great school somewhere, but I decided not to yet because my dream was to teach abroad for a few years. I think it's going to be a good experience. It is going to give me opportunities to travel to places that I never thought I
could experience. I have never travelled abroad before besides Guatemala, but that was when I was little that I vaguely remember.

Anyways, I going to update my blog biweekly or it could be every week once I start substituting. I just hope you join me! Please don't forget to subscribe by email for future updates!!

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