Saturday, August 26, 2017

Back and Forth- Teaching is Unexpeced

It has been a couple of weeks, I think... since I posted.
I just left my part-time job for a better one that is going to lead me to my dream job which is, of course, teaching. Right now, I am going to substitute for a year. I have been told that I was going to teach ELLs instead of Pre-K, but then they said for sure that I am going to teach Pre-K.

They were figuring out which substitute teacher is going to teach Pre-k and ELLs. Ultimately, I was chosen to teach pre-k, so I am happy and nervous. I don't mind teaching ELLs since I am bilingual, and I feel like I will be able to relate to the students fairly easy.

When I say teaching is unexpected, it is unexpected because the school said I might have to start teaching this Wednesday coming, but I was told first that I will be starting in the beginning of September. The teacher might have her baby early, so I don't what is going to happen. I have to prepare myself right now because I have done nothing since I have been busy with other stuff.

I have to...

read the school's handbook
brush up on classroom management
read articles and blogs on what to expect in pre-k
look at standards for pre-k
write questions that I have to ask the teacher and principal

There are lot of things going on my mind right now. Since I am about to start substituting soon, I am going to post as soon as I complete my first day as a substitute teacher. I can't wait what this journey holds for me.

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