Thursday, March 23, 2017


 What is NEARPOD?  

Nearpod is an educational tool that teachers can use to actively engage and assess student at the same time. However, there are times where students tend to be distracted regardless of grade level when student are on their iPads or laptops, but the teachers have the TOTAL control on what the students should be doing. For example, if a teacher is doing a history lesson and the instructional strategy is a PowerPoint or any other presentation tool, teachers can display a certain slide that all students  would View. Teachers can use Nearpod throughout instruction. Using Nearpod allows teachers to stay on track with the lesson. Teachers can implement Nearpod during math instruction, for example, if a teacher was doing a lesson on fractions the teacher could insert a quick video from YouTube introducing fractions. Afterwards, the teacher would assess them on what they know or what they already know. One of Nearpod's feature is that it allows teachers to insert variety of assessments such as exit tickets, polls, and multiple-choice quizzes. Also, students are allowed to draw quick pictures on a "white slate" and show their work then they are able to send their work to the teacher. In addition, teachers can implement Nearpod during a small group instruction for reading. Students can track of their reading because the certain pages are going to be displayed when the teacher do so as well.   

Here is a website on how teachers can use Nearpod in math instruction.

Nearpod Blog

You've heard the buzz and you have mobile devices to use in your class, but you're not quite sure where to start.

Here’s a quick view and tutorial for Nearpod.  

Get engaged with Nearpod!

Meet Nearpod, an all-in-one solution for the synchronized use of iPads in the classroom. Create your free account This is an older version of Nearpod; find the new one here


Nearpod is a great tool to implement in any grade school because it allows students to collaborate, communicate, and think critically, and create. Students are able to collaborate when they are able to give short response through Nearpod. However, students are going to communicate by think-pair-share first before they can share their opinions through a discussion board. Students are able think critically because students are able to form their own answer then deliver through a quick activity that the teacher could assign. Students can be creative when working in a group project and the students can use Nearpod as presentation tool. Once the groups are done with their presentations, the teacher could post all the groups’ presentation on a google doc. Therefore, students can go online at home and access them.

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