Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Reflection: Social Story

Social stories are great way to visually show how to behave in social situations. Teachers will always have students with behavior promblems or disabilities, and teachers will have no clue how to improve or help the students with their behaviors or disabilities. That is why social stories are great way to improve and help the students' behaviors and disabilities. iPads are usually used to create social stories because there are benefits that comes with them. You could make a video or a story on a behavior problem such a student who can't keep their hands to him or herself. 

This picture below gives you an example how to create social story, however, you can get creative using realistic pictures to give students a better example.
You can also use apps like shadow puppet and show me app to make videos about this social story example. 

Social stories are useful because it has been proven students improve their behavior and learn to work around with their disabilities. 

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